Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Makes a Succesful Business App?

Branded Mobile Apps have become ubiquitous with big retail. Why? Because companies like Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Target and many others saw the telltale signs of the tremendous growth in mobile devices and realized that with that tremendous growth there would be a tremendous OPPORTUNITY to generate more REVENUE through Branded Mobile Apps.

That foresight has helped retailers like eBay, Kohl's, Papa Johns Pizza and Starbucks, to name but a few, rake in BILLIONS of retail dollars in the last year alone. And the rise of mobile devices as well as Mobile Marketing is just getting started. In the next few years the experts expect mobile to take over and even REPLACE THE PC AND DESKTOP as the main portal to the Internet and world wide web for consumers.

Seeing the astounding facts and figures keep rolling in has spurred many smaller businesses to take notice, and many are rushing to get in on the new mega-trend.

One problem facing these businesses is the lack of good information and data that tells what makes a good business or retail App.  Which features work, which don't?  Which feature are must-haves and which can be left out? Should an App be all business or should it have some engaging and entertaining features?

I address these questions and more below, allowing the small business owner the information needed to make informed choices when purchasing a Branded App for their business.

User Experience and Entertainment.
  • Is the App playable and/or engaging?
  • Does it make people laugh?
  • Does it give your customers access to great content?
  • Does it have a polished look and feel?
  • Does it give the user a unique experience?

Content Evolution and/or Longevity
  • Does the content update and/or evolve over time?
  • Can content be added and/or improved through user interaction?
  • Does the content have a lasting appeal?
  • Can the content be used as a reference tool?

  • Does the App solve a unique problem?
  • Does it appeal to a specific or Niche audience?
  • Is it new, innovative or greatly enhance an existing idea?

Utility and Functionality.
  • Is it useful, usable and pleasing to the customer?
  • Is it designed around the inherent qualities of the mobile device?
  • Does it offer something a website or  PC App can't?
  • Is it easy to understand and navigate?

If your Branded Business App has all (or at least most) of the features listed above then you will have yourself a useful, functional and engaging Branded App that YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE and that will also ADD ANOTHER REVENUE STREAM to your Business.

If you have any questions get in touch with me and we'll work them out together.

Mobile App Man

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

McDonald’s increasing in-store traffic using Geo-Targeted Mobile Ads.

Geo-Targeted Mobile Ads.
McDonald’s is promoting its new coffees via a new mobile ad campaign that aims to bolster in-store traffic and sales.

The mobile ads are sent when the customer (carrying their smart phone) is within range of a McDonald's restaurant. When consumers tap on the mobile ad a mobile-optimized landing page appears that promotes McDonalds' hot beverages and then points them to the nearest McDonald’s location.

“The rise of local market targeting has been one of the overarching (no pun intended) themes this year in mobile advertising, and brands are increasingly using mobile to reach local consumers,” said Mack McKelvey, senior vice president of Millennial Media, Baltimore, MD.

The mobile ad also lets customers download free holiday wallpapers to their mobile device, and gives info about the limited-time only hot beverages that they serve.

Social Media Connections.
McDonald’s is letting customers tell their friends about the hot beverages on Facebook or Twitter using social media connections in the Mobile Ads.

Running a mobile ad campaign such as this has been very effective for McDonald’s and is helping them build their brand even further using social media. The mobile ads are timely, featuring hot beverages during the winter holiday season, and incorporate location-based technology to help consumers find the closest McDonald’s location fast when they are short on time.

Not McDonald's first foray into Mobile Ads.
McDonald's has been involved in Mobile advertising in the past. Earlier this month, they used mobile to drive consumers to their locations via a mobile ad campaign that promoted their breakfast menu through an interactive memory game.  They have also used mobile advertising to promote their classic, the Big Mac hamburger, to on-the-go consumers.

I believe that we will see much, much more of this type of advertising in the future, as companies big and small move towards mobile marketing and the continuously growing mobile marketplace.

Mobile App Man

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Branded Mobile App is a powerful tool that can give your business the edge it needs to stand out from the competition.

If you own a small business and you still haven't gotten a Custom / Branded Mobile App you are losing customers to your competition. The investment cost has dropped significantly, allowing small and medium sized businesses to be able to acquire this powerful marketing, branding and revenue producing tool. The world has gone Mobile, with 200 million iPhones and 300 million Android phones on the market and that number increasing exponentially every day. 2012 is going to be the year of the smart-phone, and a Custom Mobile App for your company will put you in the drivers seat!

2012 is gearing up to be a tremendous year in Mobile. Stay ahead of the pack and put yourself on the Mapp, with a Branded Mobile App. 

Branded Mobile App QUIZ.

Take this short Quiz if you own a small retail store, are a restauranteur, or have any small business that needs more business. 




Q- Does your business need a powerful, low-cost advertising platform?

Q- Do you want to give your customers a fast, easy way to contact you?

Q- Do you want to increase your customer base?

Q- Do you want decrease your dependency on print advertising?

Q- Do you want measurable returns on your advertising and promotions?

Q- Do you have daily or weekly promotions, coupons or announcements that you want to advertise to your patrons?

Q- Do you want to capture attention in your marketplace?

Q- Do you want to increase repeat visits and repeat customers?

Q- Do you want to increase customer loyalty?

Q= Do you want to promote regularly for little or no cost?

Q- Do you want to build brand recognition for your business?

If you answered YES on more than 2 of these questions 
8 reasons to Invest in a Branded Mobile 
App for your business.


1 -A Branded Mobile App is powerful, low-cost advertising platform.



Once your Branded Mobile App is downloaded onto a smart phone you have an ADVERTISING PLATFORM that you can use to send notices, coupons, and specials to your customers AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOUR BUSINESS.

Even better, since the customer agreed to download your App they basically have said YES, PLEASE SEND ME MORE INFO AND SPECIALS AND COUPONS about your business, PLEASE.

The more people that have your Branded App on their phone the bigger audience you have for your business.


2- A Branded Mobile App will decrease your dependency on print advertising.

If enough customers have your App on their phone you may be able to stop print ads completely! 

  Imagine never having to run another ad in the newspaper, or the Yellow Pages, or a local magazine. With a branded Mobile App on enough smart-phones you may be able to get rid of print ads for good! Imagine the savings to your business!

It all depends on how many people download your Branded App. If it's a sizable sum (which, granted, may take some time and patience) there would be NO REASON to use print ads because enough people would be seeing your promotional material on their phones. For FREE.

3- A Branded Mobile App can provide measurable data on your advertising and promotional campaigns.

Tracking and compiling important data has never been easier.

With most forms of advertising there is no way to measure returns except to keep a record, diary style, at your place of work. Not very simple or convenient.

With an App you get a powerful tracking platform for your business. Track when, where, and (most importantly) who is responding to your promotions. Tracking is simple and practically instantaneous.

Imagine what you could do if you knew which ads were hot and which were not. The best time of the month, week or even day to run your ads. What type of customer was responding and from where.

With a branded App you can do that, and more, with ease.

4- A Branded App will build customer LOYALTY and brand recognition.

Your customers will keep coming back if you give them the right incentive. 

  Lets' face it, the competition is out there and it's fierce. A small business owner needs every tool possible to stay ahead or risk being left behind and losing customers.
With a Branded App you have valuable real-estate on your customers cell phone, and they constantly see your Icon and your brand. Communicate with them correctly and with great deals and they will look forward to hearing from you.

Wouldn't that be a nice change? Instead of seeing your ads as a bother or a nuisance your customers would look forward to seeing your business pop-up on their smart phones with great info, great deals, and great promotions.

Before long the competition will be a distant memory.

5- A Branded App will capture attention for your business in your market.

Give your customers something to talk about.

  A well designed App can do many things for your business and one of the most powerful of those is its inherent ability to draw attention to itself.

People like new things, especially when it's new technology. Pair that with a great promotion and people will share your App with friends and family, talk about it with co-workers, and even show it to strangers in the mall!

Building your business for you at extra charge. How great is that!

6- A Branded Mobile App will increase repeat customer visits.

Keep them coming back for more. And more. And more. 


 Imagine that Tuesday is your 'slow' day. Not much happening, no customers, no money coming in the door.

Now imagine the same day, but this time, with your Branded Mobile App and a great promo, you've got them lined up down the block!

That's how powerful an great Mobile App can be, enough to turn your 'slow' day into your 'WOAH!' day.

Repeat visits will go through the roof when you have a Branded Mobile App doing the promotions for your business, and so will revenue. Also, your smile will find a permanent place on your face.

7- A Branded App gives your customers a fast, easy way to contact your business.

They call it '1 Tap Calling'.

Just 1 touch of your Icon and they are giving you a call.

It may sound trivial at first but think about it; What are your customers looking for, really? EASY solutions to their daily problems.

If your business is RIGHT THERE, ON THEIR PHONE, who do you think they are going to call first? Answer; YOU. Why; Because it's EASY.

With competition so fierce even something as simple as fumbling around, looking for the right number to call, can lose you a customer.

So give them what they want. The rewards and revenue will be well worth it.

8- A Branded Mobile App will give you the ability to promote when YOU want to and when YOU need need to.

It's called 'Just in Time' marketing, and it can save you money while it brings in customers. 


When it comes to print ads, whether newspapers, magazines, yellow pages or whatever, there is always the need to coordinate your marketing program weeks, even months in advance.

Problem is, if the market changed or your plans change the print promotion CAN'T CHANGE after a certain time, usually weeks before the actual promotion takes place. That means time, money and CUSTOMERS lost.

With a branded App your promotional plans can be made days or even hours before the promotion takes place. Have too many widgets? Send out a widget promo TODAY. No need to wait until the newspaper says they're ready, or the new yellow pages come out.

Promotions are now in YOUR power. Feeling powerful today? No? You need a Branded Mobile App.
Text with BIG Picture 

I'm Mobile App Man !

Actually I'm a mild-mannered salesman who is an expert on mobile apps, mobile websites and mobile marketing. If you have questions about ANYTHING Mobile, please give me a call. 843-452-7166


And if you happen to run into Lois Lane, let her know I'm available.

Friday, December 16, 2011 has an App that will save you money even after you purchase!

Every week an I find an App that makes me say 'Wow, I can't believe they have an App that does that!'  This week's App is no different. has an App that will actually save you money even after you have purchased something and taken it home!

Imagine that!  Not only do retailers give you coupons and deals and other incentives to buy, now there's an App that will give you money back even after you buy!

What the App does is simple; Once you purchase, upload the info of your purchase into the App (it's actually quite easy) and the Savvy App will then keep tabs on the retailer where you purchased to see if your item then goes on sale. If it does you will get a notice telling you it went on sale and at what price. Once notified, just go back to the store with your original receipt and get back the difference!  Genius!
The 3 main services the Savvy App provides are:

1- My Buys. This monitors the purchases you've already made, using your shopping receipt, to ensure you
received the best price possible for that item. If a price drop occurs, the App will alert you.

2- Deal Maker. Savvy will monitor exact items you are interested in, at the price
you want to purchase it for. Simply pick your price and they will ping you as soon as your target
price is reached.

3- Watch List.  This is for noncommittal Savvy shoppers wanting to keep an eye on a product they
might want to purchase. Using the App will 'watch' the item for you and let you know if there is a deal

Retailers such as Home Depot, Sears, Victoria's Secret and MANY others are teaming up with the new Savvy payment protection App to offer shoppers the best prices before and after they make a purchase.

The App, which is available on iPhone and Android phones,  insures that customers will pay the best price possible by navigating retailers’ price adjustment policies and sending notifications of any savings automatically.

Launched four weeks ago, the App already has over 20,000 downloads. An Android version has just become available and is heating up the Android Market.

Take a look for yourself here -

Samantha Fein, vice president of marketing at, Los Gatos, CA, had this to say about their new App. The Savvy App fills the need that consumers have to be able to ensure they receive the best price possible for items they have already purchased."


This is an App that I definitely recommend.

Happy Holidays.
Mobile App Man

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Remember when small business owners didn't think a branded website was necessary?

Not many years ago, when the world wide web was in its infancy, most business owners (big and small) were of the impression that a Branded Website was unnecessary. After all, brick and mortar was the dominant force in the marketplace and the idea that customers would use their computers to 'shop on-line' was hailed almost universally as ludicrous.

Slowly there was a change, as the larger retailers started seeing the incredible power that the Internet offered to connect with their customers.  Wal-Mart, Target, McDonalds, Coca Cola and their ilk put together their own branded websites, and the response was very favorable, to say the least. As small & medium sized business saw this response they too began to embrace the new 'e-commerce'. Today every business has a branded website, and e-commerce has made it's way into the lexicon. To not have a branded website is now considered ludicrous. Talk about a paradigm shift.

That same paradigm shift now is happening with Mobile. eBay has led the charge and, so far this year, has seen over $6 BILLION in sales directly through their Mobile Website and Mobile App. ALL the big companies and chains now have branded Mobile Websites and branded Mobile Apps.

Which begs the question of all small business owners; 
What are you waiting for?

Let's look at some news from around the Industry.

- Two-thirds of smart phone owners shop via mobile in September.  Retailers without a mobile strategy are missing out. - comScore 

- New survey shows 62% are willing to buy via mobile this holiday season if prompted by specials. And many mobile consumers would also research products.

- Many consumers are looking in stores but buying online, survey finds. Smart phones are driving shoppers from bricks to clicks.

- Sixty-five percent of mobile users said they used their mobile device to find a business to make an in-store purchase.

- Forty-three percent of mobile shoppers have downloaded a retail app (Retrevo).

- Twenty-five percent of consumers will use mobile sites to buy gifts this year (Compete).

- Thirty-three percent of consumers are interested in joining a mobile loyalty program (Hipcricket).

 - Almost 60 million consumers shopped on their phones Black Friday and Cyber Monday (InMobi).

- PayPal is processing $10,000 per minute in mobile payment volume. (PayPal).

If you took the time to read all of the reports and info above then you probably realize that Mobile is BIG and getting BIGGER. Like the World Wide Web before it,  Mobile marketing is causing a paradigm shift in the business world and those who don't get on board will inevitably regret their decision.

The fact is, your customers have already gone mobile and are just waiting for you to catch up.  They won't wait long.

If you don't want to wait any longer give me a call and let's get you on the Mapp.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Mobile App Man 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Price Comparison Apps that you NEED on your smart phone!

Comparison shopping has never been easier than it is today.  With the advances in smart-phone technology have come powerful Apps that can save you REAL MONEY everyday on practically any product / service that you can think of.  

 Here is a list of some of the best Apps out there right now for Comparison Shopping and Saving Money.

  • Amazon’s Price Check App- This App works in four ways: scan a bar-code, snap a picture, say the product name, or type your search. Each method works as the names suggest. You can do this wherever you are and find out, in real time, who has the product you want at the lowest price.  IMO the best of the bunch. On Android & iPhone last I checked.
  • Card Star- This App lets you carry all of your REWARD CARDS in your phone. Pretty nifty and it takes up a LOT less space in your pocket. Just scan the bar code on any loyalty card to load it into your phone. You can “clip” and load electronic coupons onto your card, too. When you get to the register, just boot the card onto the screen and let the cashier scan it. Simple and convenient. Available on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows and Ovi.
  • Shop Savvy- If you're like most people these days your comparison shopping probably already involves Googling prices on your smart phone before you buy. This App simplifies the process. Simply scan the bar-code and compare prices for the same product online and in stores. You can also create product wish lists, set up price alerts and even share deals with your friends. How cool is that? Very cool.  Available on Android and iPhone so far.
  • Gas Buddy- This App, like their website Gas, helps you find the best prices on gas. (Duh.) Whereas before you drove all over town looking for the best price, with Gas Buddy you can check in from wherever you are and see where the best price is. No more wasting time and gas. Unless you just want to go for a Sunday drive. Available on Android, Blackberry, iPhone and Windows.
  • Grocery IQ This App is really cool and a real money saver. It lets you scan bar-codes on food items in your home then adds them to your shopping list for the next time you go grocery shopping. It can also arrange your items by category and track coupons for the items on your list. Nice. Available on Android and iPhone.  
  • The Find- Similar to Shop Savvy, The Find also rounds up coupons (and savings). Even more, you can customize your search, your results preferences and even save your favorite stores. You can also use expanded features like catalog viewing on tablet devices. Available so far on Android and iPhone.
  • Carticipate- This nifty App, while a little on the Big-Brother side, helps you match up your driving plans with those of your neighbors. Save money, gas, and maybe even get that report done on the way to the office. (Or take a quick nap.) Available on Android and iPhone. 
  • Pay Pal- Many on-line vendors only take Pay Pal, making their App indispensable.  Just like their web-site it lets you manage your account, make payments and send or receive money among friends and associates. Available on iPhone, Android and Blackberry. 
  • Carpool-Calculator- This nifty little App helps people split the car-pooling costs. No more fighting about who paid more the last time!
  • Square- Square is an App that allows you to take credit card payments without having an expensive card machine (or their costly contracts). Their free card reader, which they send fro free in the mail,  attaches to your smart phone allowing you to swipe Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express cards for a 2.75 percent swipe fee. The money is then deposited into your account. Available on iPhone and Android.
  • Check Please Lite- The Tip Calculator - On STEROIDS.  This app not only calculates tips for you, it takes into account the tax and any coupons you might have used. It can also help you split a tab among several people. Great if your buddies are cheapskates.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mobile Marketer Awards 2011 include Mobile Apps, websites, campaigns, and much more.

Drum-roll Please...

Mobile Marketer announces their MOBILE AWARDS FOR 2011.

All of the Award Winners have embraced mobile technology, enhanced their mobile presence, and brought their products / services to market via mobile platforms during 2011.

Congratulations to all !

Mobile Marketer of the Year  Macy's 

Mobile Advertiser of the Year: Coca-Cola

Mobile Publisher of the Year: Condé Nast

Mobile Agency of the Year: AKQA

Mobile Researcher of the Year: Forrester Research

Mobile Service Provider of the Year: Hipcricket

Mobile Program of the Year: Macy’s Backstage Pass

Mobile Campaign of the Year: Hennessey Kaws

Mobile Web Site of the Year: United Parcel Service

Mobile Application of the Year: Facebook

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Amazon proves why they have retail stores RUNNING SCARED., the world's largest on-line retailer,  has devised a way to increase downloads of it's new Price Check App this Holiday season by offering an additional 5% discount to consumers who download the App to their mobile devices.

In my opinion, the people running Amazon are GENIUSES!  Imagine; You're at Wal-Mart (or Target, Sears, Best-Buy, Macy's WHEREVER) and, while you are in the store, you can scan the bar-code of any item you want and check to see if Amazon has a better price on that exact item!  Talk about on the spot, up to date info that you can really use!


December 10 is the day that Amazon has picked to give away the 5% discount and, unsurprisingly, they anticipate it to be one of the biggest days of the year for the new Price Check App.

The discount is an incentive for consumers to download the App, another genius move.  Amazon, for obvious reasons, wants you to have the App and is willing to take a small loss to do it.  This is what we in the biz call an 'ethical bribe'.  Why?  Because the more people that have the App on their phones the better for Amazon. For them, 5% is a very small loss that will lead to a very big gain; lots of people using the App to check prices and make purchases on

“Price Check is a great way for customers to ensure they’re getting a good price on the items they’re buying,” said Sally Fouts, a spokeswoman for, Seattle.

Yeah, that's the understatement of the year.  It's a GREAT way to check and see if Amazon has a better price and, in doing so, buy from Amazon instead of the retailer where you are actually standing!

The Price Check app is available for iPhone and Android devices. In order to receive the 5% discount consumers will need the newest version of he App on their devices. Once downloaded, they will need to enable the geolocation feature on Price Check which will then give them the additional 5 percent discount off Amazon’s price for qualifying products.

Ms Fouts additionally had this to say; “We want to make it as easy and convenient for customers to find the information they’re looking for, whether it’s price, product details or customer reviews. We want our customers to be able to make informed purchasing decisions.”

I have to call BS on that.  Amazon wants 1 thing, and 1 thing only.  They want consumers to purchase from them. I mean let's face it, once you're in the store you have already done your research (if you're relatively intelligent), read reviews and know what you want.  The only thing left is PRICE.

Amazon knows this (did I mention they are Geniuses?) and has given the consumers what they want; An App that let's them compare prices, instantly and in real time, and allows them to see whose price is best.


That's what I call a great Custom Mobile App.

Mobile App Man

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Convenience leads to nearly 40% purchases on Smart Phones.

Thirty-eight percent of smartphone owners have used their Mobile device to make a purchase, according to a study from comScore.

Their report, “Mobile Retail Advisor” looked at a number of factors including; How consumers are interacting with their smartphones when buying a product, which items they are buying, where users were located when they purchased through their mobile device and which categories and areas consumers were buying from on their smartphones.

The study found that two in five mobile users own a smartphone, making mobile shopping available to 90 million Americans.

As far as purchases, according to the comScore study;
  • 47% bought digital products from their devices, including songs, eBooks, images, movies and television shows, showing the tie between ecommerce and mcommerce.
  • 37% of consumers bought clothing and accessory items.
  • 35% purchased tickets on their mobile devices.
  • 31% ordered delivery and pick-up food through mobile ordering.
  • 24% booked airplane tickets on their smartphones.
  • 24 % paid for car rentals on their devices.

The comScore study showed that location at time of purchase was varied;
  • 56 % of purchases were made at home, which is interesting for smartphone purchases that are stereotypically thought to be made while on-the-go.
  • 42% purchased items on their devices while out and about at places including schools and restaurants or at work.
  • 37%  purchased items while traveling.
  • 36% of users bought items via mobile while in-store.
The study is more proof that mobile commerce has become mainstream and is being used for more than just product research.  Consumers are continuing to embrace the convenience of mobile to perform their shopping, whether during commutes, at home or in-stores.  Smartphone adoption is the key factor in the advancement of mobile shopping, as more and more Americans purchase smart phones and begin utilizing them for more and more daily tasks.

Your customers are using their Smart Phones to make purchases.  Are they going to find YOU on their phones, or your competition?

Starbucks exceeds 26 MILLION Mobile Transactions since January 2011 !

Starbucks, the international coffee chain, has exceeded 26 million mobile transactions since the launch of its mobile payment program in January of 2011
According to the company, in the first nine weeks of the program there were approximately 3 million transactions. In comparison, for the nine-week period starting in October there were 6 million transactions. The data shows that there has been a significant jump in customer adoption and use.

1 in 4 transactions at Starbucks are now being made via mobile.

In July, Starbucks continued to prove that that mobile plays a critical role in its overall initiatives by unveiling a new application that features gift card capabilities. The app includes the company’s eGift feature and combines the features of its iPhone my Starbucks and Starbucks Card mobile apps.

Since October, mobile sales have doubled to account for 10 percent of Starbucks Card eGift sales.
Starbucks is also doing well internationally.  Starbucks introduced its Starbucks Canada app last month which offers mobile payments in 1,000 stores in Canada.  Additionally, Starbucks will offer British consumers the option to pay with select smartphone devices at more than 700 Starbucks stores.

Does YOUR business need this kind of mass appeal? Do you want a Custom Mobile App that can do the same for your coffee shop, restaurant, retail store, car-wash, dentist office?

Then call me, Greg, The Mobile App Man and let's make it happen TODAY.  Make 2012 your year! Get on the Mapp, with a Custom Mobile App !

Mobile App Man

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let SearchPoint Marketing put YOUR COMPANY Where it BELONGS - On the Mapp !


240 Percent Increase in Mobile Barcode Scans on Black Friday

According to NeoMedia, publisher of a mobile Barcode scanner, there was a 240% increase in barcode scans with mobile devices over the recent Black Friday 2011.

Retail is going mobile. People are not only using their phones to get more information on goods and services, both in-store and on-the-go, but also to purchase,” said Laura Marriott, CEO of NeoMedia.  ”This year has been a great year for mobile barcodes and we are confident usage will continue to increase over the busy Christmas shopping period. This surge in usage demonstrates growing consumer awareness which will continue to create opportunities for all those in the mobile barcode ecosystem.”

Android was the dominant mobile platform in terms of scans at 53%, according to the company, with IOS coming in second at 27% and Symbian rounding out the top three at 8%.

What this shows is that retailers are beginning to embrace mobile coupons more than ever and adoption of the technology continues to steadily rise, as the numbers from NeoMedia suggest.

Just another in a long list of examples that Mobile, including Mobile Apps and Websites, is where your customers are and where your retail store should be.

Mobile App Man

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Almost HALF of all Mobile Phones users in the USA now own SMART PHONES!

According to a recent survey by Nielsen,  44 percent of all U.S. mobile subscribers now have smart phones.

That equals a FULL 5% INCREASE in the number of smart phone users in just the last 3 months!

Also, among those who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months, 56 percent chose smart phones.

Ladies and gentlemen the United States has gone MOBILE.  In the coming weeks, months and years the switch to mobile is going to only increase and increase fast!  More and more people will have smart-phones and use them for EVERYTHING they do, INCLUDING ALL OF THEIR PURCHASES ON JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING.

As a small business owner, you can no longer afford to ignore the fact that consumers, YOUR CUSTOMERS, are using mobile devices to find businesses and services, compare prices, and SPEND THEIR MONEY.  If your marketing plan dies NOT include at least a Mobile Website and a Custom Mobile App YOU ARE LOSING CUSTOMERS.

It's just that simple.

Call me. I'm Mobile App Man.  I can do ANYTHING MOBILE and I want to HELP YOUR BUSINESS.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Staples has seen the power of Mobile Apps. Has your company?

Staples, the office supply mega-store, has introduced a new Mobile App that simplifies the shopping experience both in-store and on the go.

Their new iPhone App enables users to scan items inside (or outside) of the store to build a personalized shopping list. Using the store locator and inventory check feature, customers can then find the nearest Staples location that has the product they are looking for.

One of the small business 'pain points' identified by a Staples customer survey is shopping for ink cartridges.  The new Mobile App has a built in feature allowing customers to store ink cartridge information that they can pull up on the Mobile App in-store, thus eliminating the need to remember all the different cartridge number and/or brands and saving time-loss caused by forgotten cartridge numbers.

Another feature of the Mobile App eliminates the need to bring a rewards check to the store.  With the App, customers will be able to pull up their rewards on their iPhone and apply that money to what they are buying, in the store, without the need for the actual paper check.

The goal of Staples' new Mobile App is to provide their customers an easier purchasing experience, which will save them time and man-hours.

Staples has seen the power of Mobile Apps and now has a highly functional and easy to use Mobile App for their customers that gives them high value and saves them time and money.  They have seen that a Mobile App is a Value Feature that will keep customers happy and coming back.

Isn't it time your business had the same valuable tool?

If you answer yes, than call me, Greg
the Mobile App Man

Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sears reports exponential mobile growth over Thanksgiving weekend.

Major US Retailer Sears has had a Mobile presence for nearly 3 years and continues to see rapid growth through their mobile app and their mobile website.

More and more, our customers are finding mobile as a resource for them whether they are near a store or in store. Or they are using it as a navigation tool. We are seeing a strong performance for this service in mobile. If you can, on your mobile device, be able to identify a product, select that product and go from wherever you are to buy it in-store – we are seeing that connection become stronger for us. Michael Murray, CMO Sears Holdings, Chicago, IL

Although eclipsed by Wal-Mart years ago Sears continues to battle on and sees Mobile marketing as a way to attract consumers that otherwise would be lost.

Take a look at the full report here:

Have a great night.
Mobile App Man

Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking news that this past Holiday Weekend was EPIC for eBay in terms of sales through their eBay Mobile App.

eBay was one of the 1st retailers to embrace the new mobile technology when they got their Mobile App in 2009 and it is paying off HUGE according to the report below.  Further proof that if you want to play with the big boys you better make sure that Santa puts a Custom Mobile App under the tree for you on Christmas morning.

Better yet, call me, MOBILE APP MAN, and I'll get you that App ASAPP  (The extra P is for the Purchasing Power that a Custom Mobile App gives your customers!)

Happy Holidays,
Mobile App Man

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

eBay's Mobile App a key to their ongoing success.

Online retail behemoth eBay is seeing that there is a very strong demand for on-the-go shopping as their Mobile App continues to bring in tremendous sales and revenue.

According to the company, three purchases are made every second through eBay’s Mobile App globally.
Additionally, a vehicle is bought via eBay's Mobile App every 15 minutes, a pair of women’s shoes is bought every 45 seconds, a women’s handbag every 4 seconds and a tablet every five minutes – all within the United States.

“We know there’s a strong demand for shopping on the go – our suite of mobile apps have been downloaded more than 58 million times, and we expect this to be the biggest mobile shopping season ever,” said Amanda Coffee, spokeswoman for eBay, San Francisco.  “Today’s consumer expects to shop how they want, when they want, and mobile technology is blurring the lines between online and offline retail to meet this demand,” she said.  “As a mobile commerce leader, eBay is at the forefront of delivering a great mobile buying experience just in time for the holidays.”

It's obvious that eBay realizes the enormous power of Mobile Apps and the public's enormous appetite for them. With more and more Americans buying smart-phones every day, the trend will continue to grow and eBay, as well as other retailers who see the enormous potential for mobile sales, will continue to reap the profits from Mobile Apps.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Most Young Adults in U.S. Now Own Smartphones

Smartphone ownership in the Unites States continues its meteoric rise and young adults are the major force pushing the mega-trend according to the latest Nielsen survey.
Nielsen’s third-quarter survey of mobile phone users found that 43 percent of them have upgraded to a smartphone. For mobile users below the age of 44, the smartphone is speeding toward mass adoption.
“This is a wake-up call for potential advertisers waiting for a tipping point for mobile media or for smartphones to reach the majority,” said Don Kellogg, director of telecom research and insights at Nielsen. “We’re already there with certain segments – 62 percent of those ages 25 to 34 already have smartphones. That’s critical mass.”
The segment with the fastest-growing smartphone adoption rate after young adults is older phone owners, between the ages of 55 and 64. The penetration among those users is 30 percent, a figure that jumped 5 percentage points this quarter.
The slowest to adopt are teens,  due in large part to the high cost of the devices and the expensive data plans they require.
The survey also found that Android is hanging on to its top position of mobile operating systems in the United States, with 43 percent of the market. Apple is still the top smartphone manufacturer, with 28 percent of smartphone owners owning an iPhone.

Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Ways a Custom Mobile App can help your small business, increase yor customer base, and increase revenue.

If you are thinking about investing in a Custom Mobile App for your small business or restaurant, 
here are 10 things you NEED to consider:

1- A Custom Mobile App gives your business a powerful, low-cost advertising platform.
2- A Custom Mobile App gives your customers a fast, easy way to contact your business.
3- A Custom Mobile App will increase your customer base.
4- A Custom Mobile App will decrease your dependency on print advertising.
5- A Custom Mobile App will give you measurable returns on your advertising and promotions.
6- With a Custom Mobile App you can advertise daily or weekly promotions to your customers with ease.
7- A Custom Mobile App will capture attention in your marketplace.
8- A Custom Mobile App will increase repeat visits.
9- A Custom Mobile App will give you the ability to promote specials without long advertising lead times.
10- A Custom Mobile App will build customer loyalty and brand recognition.

All of these features and many more are inherent in the 
Custom Mobile App.

Isn't it time you got on the Mapp?

Custom Mobile Apps: Put your business in the Palm of Their Hand.

PERSISTENT EXPOSURE is the KEY to repeat sales and repeat customers.

When your business or restaurant has a CUSTOM MOBILE APP your customer will have YOUR Icon on their iPhone or Android phone ALL THE TIME.

With your app's icon residing on their phone's home screen, your customers are constantly reminded of your business. This makes your business available to them anywhere, anytime - giving your customers access to your information with a simple click of your app icon. Absolutely no other marketing tool can deliver the same "real 24/7 exposure".

When your business has A Custom Mobile App you are NOT just an ad or a listing in someone else's app. What you get is a full-featured App and that is dedicated to you and your marketing message. In this "Age of Smartphones", having your own Custom Mobile App is like putting your business brochure in the palm of your customer's hand 24/7.

If you do not establish this 24/7 presence in your customer's phone, chances are your competition will. Without a doubt, your competition knows about Smartphones and Apps and the Mobile Web, and they're probably already using a Custom Mobile App or are getting ready to invest in one soon.

With a Custom Mobile Apps you can 
Put Your Business in the Palm of Their Hand.

Money Mailer & Val-Pak VS a Custom Mobile App

Until very recently Mobile Apps were the domain of the big restaurant chains and retail chains. Wal-Mart, Target, McDonalds and Papa John's Pizza (to name just a few) jumped on board at the very beginning because they saw that the mobile community was expanding at an incredibly fast rate and they wanted IN. For them, having a Custom Mobile App was a no-brainer because of the ease of use it affords their customers and the HUGE REVENUE STREAM it creates for them.
Of course a big company like Target had no problem with the $120,000.00 (average) price tag for a Custom Mobile App. Their advertising budgets are HUGE.

For stand-alone restaurants and retail stores that is not the case. They do not have the cash flow necessary to make such a big investment.


The cost of investing in a Custom Mobile App now makes it possible for all but the smallest businesses to take advantage of this powerful revenue generating tool. Not only that, having a Custom Mobile App will SAVE YOUR BUSINESS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in PRINT ADVERTISING COSTS in the long run.

Take a look at this comparison of using a Custom Mobile App as an advertising / marketing tool as opposed to using Money Mailer or Val-Pak for the same purpose.

Val-Pak / Money Mailer  
MONTHLY COST OF $1750.00  (5 'Zones' or 50,000 homes)
$21,000.00 EXPENSE over 12 months
$46.00 Acquisition cost per new customer  (.25%  response rate)
No way to advertise, track, or contact customer after initial contact

Custom Mobile App
Initial 1-Time INVESTMENT of $1697.00  (Retailer OWNS App)
MONTHLY COST OF $59.99  ($719.00 annually) 
$3.81 Acquisition cost per new customer (2 App downloads per day)

As you can plainly see, even in the span of only 12 months a Custom Mobile App makes much more sense.  It is an INVESTMENT in your small business that, in time, WILL SAVE YOUR BUSINESS THOUSAND OF DOLLARS WHILE CREATING A NEW, EVER EXPANDING REVENUE STREAM.
It just makes sense.

Mobile App Man

Sunday, November 20, 2011

51% of ALL searches on smart phones are for RESTAURANT & DINING INFORMATION

In a recent study (The Mobile Movement; Understanding Smart Phone Users  April 2011) it was stated that, of all searches done using smart-phones, the 2nd largest most popular type of information searched was for RESTAURANT / DINING information.  51% of all searches.

The 2nd most popular only to news!!  More than EVERYTHING ELSE smart phone users are seeking information on WHERE TO EAT.
Does YOUR  Restaurant have an App to  Tapp into this huge and rapidly increasing segment of the population?

Are you unsure whether your Restaurant needs a Custom Mobile App ?  Are you wondering if now is the time to tapp into this POWERFUL, RAPIDLY GROWING MEGA TREND?

Well then, Take this Quiz;

Q- Does your restaurant need a powerful, low-cost advertising platform?
Q- Do you want to give your customers a fast, easy way to contact your restaurant?
Q- Do you want to increase your customer base?
Q- Do you want decrease your dependency on print advertising?
Q- Do you want measurable returns on your advertising and promotions?
Q- Do you have daily or weekly promotions that you want to advertise to your patrons?
Q- Do you want to capture attention in your marketplace?
Q- Do you want to increase repeat visits?
Q- Do you want the ability to promote specials without long advertising lead times?
Q- Do you want tons of loyal customers that you can promote to regularly for little or no cost?
Q- Do you want to build customer loyalty and brand recognition?

If you answered YES to 2 or more of the above Questions then YOU NEED A CUSTOM MOBILE APP FOR YOUR RESTAURANT.

And Mobile App Man can make it happen.
Have a great night.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ready for the holidays? 62% of your customers are!

Hello everyone,

Read this latest report and decide for yourself if having a Custom Mobile App is the right move for you and your business.


Mobile App Man


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why does Your small business NEED a Custom Mobile App.

If you hadn't already figured it out I, Mobile App Man, LOVE Mobile Apps.  I create, with the help of my team at SearchPoint Marketing, Custom Mobile Apps for my small business customers.

So yes, I'm a salesman.  It's my day job, an I rather like it.  I have a great product that is seeing explosive growth all around the country and the world. What's not to like?

The question I am asked many times a week is very straightforward and has many answers, all of them positive.  'Mobile App Man', my customers ask me 'why do I need a Custom Mobile App for my small business?'

The answer is simple and straightforward I tell them;

1/ Your CUSTOMERS have mobile phones and LOVE Mobile Apps.  They love the ease of use, the dependability, and the communication that they receive with a Mobile App. They love being able to look around your business, shop your business, and share coupons from your business with their friends and family right from their mobile devices.  Since they have their mobile phones with them 97% of the time and use them for everything from making calls (duh) to shopping, searching, gaming and sharing, a great Mobile App will be something they use very often.  In short, if you give them an App they will come!  In droves! And BUY FROM YOU!

2/ If you have a PRODUCT or SERVICE that you sell and you want to sell it to a lot of people you need to make the buying choice EASY for your customers.  If they can find you, call you, look at your goods, see great pictures and videos and share positive experiences with their friends then they will like you, download your App, use it, and BUY YOUR GOOD and/or SERVICES!

What this boils down to is this.  Mobile Apps give your customer an easy communication and purchase platform and give you, the business owner, a marketing and revenue generating platform and a DIRECT LINE OF COMMUNICATION TO EXTEND YOUR BRAND and GOODWILL in your community and generate revenue through a new, SUPER HOT product.

Let's look at some numbers, statistics and facts, shall we.
  • There are 5.3 Billion mobile subscribers (77% of world population!).
  • 24% of people in the US who have Mobile smart phones use them as their ONLY connection to the web.
  • 85% of all new mobile phones have connection capability to the Web.
  • In 2010 it was estimated that in 5 years the amount of people accessing the web with mobile devices would overtake the PC.  IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED!
  • Mobile phone penetration outnumbers fixed Internet users 5:2 !
  • The average person checks a text or Push notification within 4 minutes.  The average email?  4 days.
  • In March of 2011 the NY Times said that 'mobile marketing is the most powerful media ever invented'.
  • It is predicted 468 million smart phones will be sold in 2011, a 57.7 percent increase from 2010
  • So far in 2011 eBay, the online retailer, has seen over 5 BILLION dollars in revenue directly through their Mobile App.
  • Every major retailer in the United States has their own Custom Mobile App.  Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Macy's, Sears, eBay, Best Buy and all the rest.
  • Mobile ads have a 700% higher view rate than print ads

Those are just a few facts and figures. 

The world is going mobile. Get on board now or you might miss the boat.

Mobile App Man

The Mobile Movement - Free Report

The Mobile Movement Free Report

Breaking News! Mobile Apps have surpassed Web usage!!

Breaking News; Mobile Apps have surpassed Web usage according to this  June 2001 report!

Boys and gurls Mobile App Man says that if you don't think that Mobile Apps are the future of mobile marketing then you MUST READ THIS ARTICLE.

Seriously tho,  just as Wired magazine predicted in 2010 people are moving away from searching the Web using PCs and Laptops and are now instead using their mobile devices (iPhone and Android). 

It's going to be a MASS MIGRATION and only the strong (ie mobile ready) will survive.

Get on the Mapp with a Custom Mobile App !

I'm Mobile App Man!!

Actually I'm just a mild mannered entrepreneur that has seen the AWESOME POWER of Mobile Apps and has dedicated himself to spreading the word about Mobile Apps to all of humanity.

If you don't know what a Mobile App is then you haven't gone outside in a LONG time.  They are everywhere!  If you see ANYONE with a 'smart-phone' (iPhone or Android based phone) then you have seen someone who has a device that uses Mobile Apps.

Mobile Apps are programs that can be used on an iPhone or Android phone for just about ANYTHING.  You've probably heard the term 'There's an App for that!', yes?  Well, there is.  Music, gaming, dining, directions, appointments, entertaining, software, information, trivia, EVERYTHING seems to have a Mobile App these days.  Retailers like Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Target and Walgreen's have a Custom Mobile App, as do restaurants like Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, Chili's and Outback Steakhouse.  A Custom Mobile App just means that the Mobile App uses custom info and data specific to the retailer or restaurant.

Custom Mobile Apps are taking the world by storm!  1n 2010 eBay released a Custom Mobile App and, by July of the same year, it had been downloaded 11 million times!  In July of 2010 Skype's Custom Mobile App was downloaded 5 million times in just a few days!

Mobile Apps that are entertaining or useful in some way are the most popular, and the Apps that combine the 2 are usually blockbusters.  Smart phone users love their Apps and can't seem to get enough of them. US iPhone users downloaded an average of 60 Apps per year in 2010 and that number is rising monthly.

I now have the ability to produce and publish Custom Mobile Apps to the iTunes and Android market.  My company, SearchPoint Marketing, is doing just that, creating Custom Mobile Apps for the small business marketplace.  Where once Mobile App development and publication was limited to large companies due to the prohibitive costs it is now possible for us to create and publish a Custom Mobile App for less than the normal 2 month marketing costs for a small business.

Custom Mobile Apps are the future of marketing, and I, Mobile App Man, am here to help your small business get into the game!

I will Put You On the Mapp, with a Custom Mobile App !

Take a look at the following report, supplied by the great guys and gals at Slide Share.  If it doesn't impress you then I will eat my cape.

Mobile App Man