Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Convenience leads to nearly 40% purchases on Smart Phones.

Thirty-eight percent of smartphone owners have used their Mobile device to make a purchase, according to a study from comScore.

Their report, “Mobile Retail Advisor” looked at a number of factors including; How consumers are interacting with their smartphones when buying a product, which items they are buying, where users were located when they purchased through their mobile device and which categories and areas consumers were buying from on their smartphones.

The study found that two in five mobile users own a smartphone, making mobile shopping available to 90 million Americans.

As far as purchases, according to the comScore study;
  • 47% bought digital products from their devices, including songs, eBooks, images, movies and television shows, showing the tie between ecommerce and mcommerce.
  • 37% of consumers bought clothing and accessory items.
  • 35% purchased tickets on their mobile devices.
  • 31% ordered delivery and pick-up food through mobile ordering.
  • 24% booked airplane tickets on their smartphones.
  • 24 % paid for car rentals on their devices.

The comScore study showed that location at time of purchase was varied;
  • 56 % of purchases were made at home, which is interesting for smartphone purchases that are stereotypically thought to be made while on-the-go.
  • 42% purchased items on their devices while out and about at places including schools and restaurants or at work.
  • 37%  purchased items while traveling.
  • 36% of users bought items via mobile while in-store.
The study is more proof that mobile commerce has become mainstream and is being used for more than just product research.  Consumers are continuing to embrace the convenience of mobile to perform their shopping, whether during commutes, at home or in-stores.  Smartphone adoption is the key factor in the advancement of mobile shopping, as more and more Americans purchase smart phones and begin utilizing them for more and more daily tasks.

Your customers are using their Smart Phones to make purchases.  Are they going to find YOU on their phones, or your competition?

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