Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Remember when small business owners didn't think a branded website was necessary?

Not many years ago, when the world wide web was in its infancy, most business owners (big and small) were of the impression that a Branded Website was unnecessary. After all, brick and mortar was the dominant force in the marketplace and the idea that customers would use their computers to 'shop on-line' was hailed almost universally as ludicrous.

Slowly there was a change, as the larger retailers started seeing the incredible power that the Internet offered to connect with their customers.  Wal-Mart, Target, McDonalds, Coca Cola and their ilk put together their own branded websites, and the response was very favorable, to say the least. As small & medium sized business saw this response they too began to embrace the new 'e-commerce'. Today every business has a branded website, and e-commerce has made it's way into the lexicon. To not have a branded website is now considered ludicrous. Talk about a paradigm shift.

That same paradigm shift now is happening with Mobile. eBay has led the charge and, so far this year, has seen over $6 BILLION in sales directly through their Mobile Website and Mobile App. ALL the big companies and chains now have branded Mobile Websites and branded Mobile Apps.

Which begs the question of all small business owners; 
What are you waiting for?

Let's look at some news from around the Industry.

- Two-thirds of smart phone owners shop via mobile in September.  Retailers without a mobile strategy are missing out. - comScore 

- New survey shows 62% are willing to buy via mobile this holiday season if prompted by specials. And many mobile consumers would also research products.

- Many consumers are looking in stores but buying online, survey finds. Smart phones are driving shoppers from bricks to clicks.

- Sixty-five percent of mobile users said they used their mobile device to find a business to make an in-store purchase.

- Forty-three percent of mobile shoppers have downloaded a retail app (Retrevo).

- Twenty-five percent of consumers will use mobile sites to buy gifts this year (Compete).

- Thirty-three percent of consumers are interested in joining a mobile loyalty program (Hipcricket).

 - Almost 60 million consumers shopped on their phones Black Friday and Cyber Monday (InMobi).

- PayPal is processing $10,000 per minute in mobile payment volume. (PayPal).

If you took the time to read all of the reports and info above then you probably realize that Mobile is BIG and getting BIGGER. Like the World Wide Web before it,  Mobile marketing is causing a paradigm shift in the business world and those who don't get on board will inevitably regret their decision.

The fact is, your customers have already gone mobile and are just waiting for you to catch up.  They won't wait long.

If you don't want to wait any longer give me a call and let's get you on the Mapp.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Mobile App Man 

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