That foresight has helped retailers like eBay, Kohl's, Papa Johns Pizza and Starbucks, to name but a few, rake in BILLIONS of retail dollars in the last year alone. And the rise of mobile devices as well as Mobile Marketing is just getting started. In the next few years the experts expect mobile to take over and even REPLACE THE PC AND DESKTOP as the main portal to the Internet and world wide web for consumers.
Seeing the astounding facts and figures keep rolling in has spurred many smaller businesses to take notice, and many are rushing to get in on the new mega-trend.
One problem facing these businesses is the lack of good information and data that tells what makes a good business or retail App. Which features work, which don't? Which feature are must-haves and which can be left out? Should an App be all business or should it have some engaging and entertaining features?
I address these questions and more below, allowing the small business owner the information needed to make informed choices when purchasing a Branded App for their business.
User Experience and Entertainment.
- Is the App playable and/or engaging?
- Does it make people laugh?
- Does it give your customers access to great content?
- Does it have a polished look and feel?
- Does it give the user a unique experience?
Content Evolution and/or Longevity
- Does the content update and/or evolve over time?
- Can content be added and/or improved through user interaction?
- Does the content have a lasting appeal?
- Can the content be used as a reference tool?
- Does the App solve a unique problem?
- Does it appeal to a specific or Niche audience?
- Is it new, innovative or greatly enhance an existing idea?
Utility and Functionality.
- Is it useful, usable and pleasing to the customer?
- Is it designed around the inherent qualities of the mobile device?
- Does it offer something a website or PC App can't?
- Is it easy to understand and navigate?
If your Branded Business App has all (or at least most) of the features listed above then you will have yourself a useful, functional and engaging Branded App that YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE and that will also ADD ANOTHER REVENUE STREAM to your Business.
If you have any questions get in touch with me and we'll work them out together.
Mobile App Man