Monday, January 16, 2012

Who are the Top Mobile Retailers?

According to a new report from Foresee Results, a customer satisfaction study of top retail mobile sites and apps shows that is the top mobile retailer with consumers. came in a close second.

The average mobile satisfaction score for the 16 retailers measured in the report is 76, compared to 79 for the same companies’ websites.  However, a few companies had comparable performance on mobile and web: Apple (which had a mobile score two points higher than its web score), Toys “R” Us, Best Buy, Staples, Netflix, Dell, and Blockbuster.  Others reveal large gaps between the website and the mobile experience, including Avon (satisfaction 8 points lower on mobile) and Walmart (7 points lower). 

I believe what this study shows is that Mobile is becoming a very large part of the marketing scheme for all the big name players.  Further, those making the mobile experience better for their customers will have an advantage in the future as Mobile marketing and Mobile Apps continue to be used with ever increasing regularity.

So again, not only do you need a Mobile marketing plan and a Branded Mobile App but you also have to make sure that the customer experience when utilizing these new marketing tools is a positive experience that will lend itself to further use and revenue generation.

Mobile App Man.

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