Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sears reports exponential mobile growth over Thanksgiving weekend.

Major US Retailer Sears has had a Mobile presence for nearly 3 years and continues to see rapid growth through their mobile app and their mobile website.

More and more, our customers are finding mobile as a resource for them whether they are near a store or in store. Or they are using it as a navigation tool. We are seeing a strong performance for this service in mobile. If you can, on your mobile device, be able to identify a product, select that product and go from wherever you are to buy it in-store – we are seeing that connection become stronger for us. Michael Murray, CMO Sears Holdings, Chicago, IL

Although eclipsed by Wal-Mart years ago Sears continues to battle on and sees Mobile marketing as a way to attract consumers that otherwise would be lost.

Take a look at the full report here:


Have a great night.
Mobile App Man

Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking news that this past Holiday Weekend was EPIC for eBay in terms of sales through their eBay Mobile App.

eBay was one of the 1st retailers to embrace the new mobile technology when they got their Mobile App in 2009 and it is paying off HUGE according to the report below.  Further proof that if you want to play with the big boys you better make sure that Santa puts a Custom Mobile App under the tree for you on Christmas morning.

Better yet, call me, MOBILE APP MAN, and I'll get you that App ASAPP  (The extra P is for the Purchasing Power that a Custom Mobile App gives your customers!)

Happy Holidays,
Mobile App Man

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

eBay's Mobile App a key to their ongoing success.

Online retail behemoth eBay is seeing that there is a very strong demand for on-the-go shopping as their Mobile App continues to bring in tremendous sales and revenue.

According to the company, three purchases are made every second through eBay’s Mobile App globally.
Additionally, a vehicle is bought via eBay's Mobile App every 15 minutes, a pair of women’s shoes is bought every 45 seconds, a women’s handbag every 4 seconds and a tablet every five minutes – all within the United States.

“We know there’s a strong demand for shopping on the go – our suite of mobile apps have been downloaded more than 58 million times, and we expect this to be the biggest mobile shopping season ever,” said Amanda Coffee, spokeswoman for eBay, San Francisco.  “Today’s consumer expects to shop how they want, when they want, and mobile technology is blurring the lines between online and offline retail to meet this demand,” she said.  “As a mobile commerce leader, eBay is at the forefront of delivering a great mobile buying experience just in time for the holidays.”

It's obvious that eBay realizes the enormous power of Mobile Apps and the public's enormous appetite for them. With more and more Americans buying smart-phones every day, the trend will continue to grow and eBay, as well as other retailers who see the enormous potential for mobile sales, will continue to reap the profits from Mobile Apps.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Most Young Adults in U.S. Now Own Smartphones

Smartphone ownership in the Unites States continues its meteoric rise and young adults are the major force pushing the mega-trend according to the latest Nielsen survey.
Nielsen’s third-quarter survey of mobile phone users found that 43 percent of them have upgraded to a smartphone. For mobile users below the age of 44, the smartphone is speeding toward mass adoption.
“This is a wake-up call for potential advertisers waiting for a tipping point for mobile media or for smartphones to reach the majority,” said Don Kellogg, director of telecom research and insights at Nielsen. “We’re already there with certain segments – 62 percent of those ages 25 to 34 already have smartphones. That’s critical mass.”
The segment with the fastest-growing smartphone adoption rate after young adults is older phone owners, between the ages of 55 and 64. The penetration among those users is 30 percent, a figure that jumped 5 percentage points this quarter.
The slowest to adopt are teens,  due in large part to the high cost of the devices and the expensive data plans they require.
The survey also found that Android is hanging on to its top position of mobile operating systems in the United States, with 43 percent of the market. Apple is still the top smartphone manufacturer, with 28 percent of smartphone owners owning an iPhone.

Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Ways a Custom Mobile App can help your small business, increase yor customer base, and increase revenue.

If you are thinking about investing in a Custom Mobile App for your small business or restaurant, 
here are 10 things you NEED to consider:

1- A Custom Mobile App gives your business a powerful, low-cost advertising platform.
2- A Custom Mobile App gives your customers a fast, easy way to contact your business.
3- A Custom Mobile App will increase your customer base.
4- A Custom Mobile App will decrease your dependency on print advertising.
5- A Custom Mobile App will give you measurable returns on your advertising and promotions.
6- With a Custom Mobile App you can advertise daily or weekly promotions to your customers with ease.
7- A Custom Mobile App will capture attention in your marketplace.
8- A Custom Mobile App will increase repeat visits.
9- A Custom Mobile App will give you the ability to promote specials without long advertising lead times.
10- A Custom Mobile App will build customer loyalty and brand recognition.

All of these features and many more are inherent in the 
Custom Mobile App.

Isn't it time you got on the Mapp?

Custom Mobile Apps: Put your business in the Palm of Their Hand.

PERSISTENT EXPOSURE is the KEY to repeat sales and repeat customers.

When your business or restaurant has a CUSTOM MOBILE APP your customer will have YOUR Icon on their iPhone or Android phone ALL THE TIME.

With your app's icon residing on their phone's home screen, your customers are constantly reminded of your business. This makes your business available to them anywhere, anytime - giving your customers access to your information with a simple click of your app icon. Absolutely no other marketing tool can deliver the same "real 24/7 exposure".

When your business has A Custom Mobile App you are NOT just an ad or a listing in someone else's app. What you get is a full-featured App and that is dedicated to you and your marketing message. In this "Age of Smartphones", having your own Custom Mobile App is like putting your business brochure in the palm of your customer's hand 24/7.

If you do not establish this 24/7 presence in your customer's phone, chances are your competition will. Without a doubt, your competition knows about Smartphones and Apps and the Mobile Web, and they're probably already using a Custom Mobile App or are getting ready to invest in one soon.

With a Custom Mobile Apps you can 
Put Your Business in the Palm of Their Hand.

Money Mailer & Val-Pak VS a Custom Mobile App

Until very recently Mobile Apps were the domain of the big restaurant chains and retail chains. Wal-Mart, Target, McDonalds and Papa John's Pizza (to name just a few) jumped on board at the very beginning because they saw that the mobile community was expanding at an incredibly fast rate and they wanted IN. For them, having a Custom Mobile App was a no-brainer because of the ease of use it affords their customers and the HUGE REVENUE STREAM it creates for them.
Of course a big company like Target had no problem with the $120,000.00 (average) price tag for a Custom Mobile App. Their advertising budgets are HUGE.

For stand-alone restaurants and retail stores that is not the case. They do not have the cash flow necessary to make such a big investment.


The cost of investing in a Custom Mobile App now makes it possible for all but the smallest businesses to take advantage of this powerful revenue generating tool. Not only that, having a Custom Mobile App will SAVE YOUR BUSINESS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in PRINT ADVERTISING COSTS in the long run.

Take a look at this comparison of using a Custom Mobile App as an advertising / marketing tool as opposed to using Money Mailer or Val-Pak for the same purpose.

Val-Pak / Money Mailer  
MONTHLY COST OF $1750.00  (5 'Zones' or 50,000 homes)
$21,000.00 EXPENSE over 12 months
$46.00 Acquisition cost per new customer  (.25%  response rate)
No way to advertise, track, or contact customer after initial contact

Custom Mobile App
Initial 1-Time INVESTMENT of $1697.00  (Retailer OWNS App)
MONTHLY COST OF $59.99  ($719.00 annually) 
$3.81 Acquisition cost per new customer (2 App downloads per day)

As you can plainly see, even in the span of only 12 months a Custom Mobile App makes much more sense.  It is an INVESTMENT in your small business that, in time, WILL SAVE YOUR BUSINESS THOUSAND OF DOLLARS WHILE CREATING A NEW, EVER EXPANDING REVENUE STREAM.
It just makes sense.

Mobile App Man

Sunday, November 20, 2011

51% of ALL searches on smart phones are for RESTAURANT & DINING INFORMATION

In a recent study (The Mobile Movement; Understanding Smart Phone Users  April 2011) it was stated that, of all searches done using smart-phones, the 2nd largest most popular type of information searched was for RESTAURANT / DINING information.  51% of all searches.

The 2nd most popular only to news!!  More than EVERYTHING ELSE smart phone users are seeking information on WHERE TO EAT.
Does YOUR  Restaurant have an App to  Tapp into this huge and rapidly increasing segment of the population?

Are you unsure whether your Restaurant needs a Custom Mobile App ?  Are you wondering if now is the time to tapp into this POWERFUL, RAPIDLY GROWING MEGA TREND?

Well then, Take this Quiz;

Q- Does your restaurant need a powerful, low-cost advertising platform?
Q- Do you want to give your customers a fast, easy way to contact your restaurant?
Q- Do you want to increase your customer base?
Q- Do you want decrease your dependency on print advertising?
Q- Do you want measurable returns on your advertising and promotions?
Q- Do you have daily or weekly promotions that you want to advertise to your patrons?
Q- Do you want to capture attention in your marketplace?
Q- Do you want to increase repeat visits?
Q- Do you want the ability to promote specials without long advertising lead times?
Q- Do you want tons of loyal customers that you can promote to regularly for little or no cost?
Q- Do you want to build customer loyalty and brand recognition?

If you answered YES to 2 or more of the above Questions then YOU NEED A CUSTOM MOBILE APP FOR YOUR RESTAURANT.

And Mobile App Man can make it happen.
Have a great night.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ready for the holidays? 62% of your customers are!

Hello everyone,

Read this latest report and decide for yourself if having a Custom Mobile App is the right move for you and your business.


Mobile App Man


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why does Your small business NEED a Custom Mobile App.

If you hadn't already figured it out I, Mobile App Man, LOVE Mobile Apps.  I create, with the help of my team at SearchPoint Marketing, Custom Mobile Apps for my small business customers.

So yes, I'm a salesman.  It's my day job, an I rather like it.  I have a great product that is seeing explosive growth all around the country and the world. What's not to like?

The question I am asked many times a week is very straightforward and has many answers, all of them positive.  'Mobile App Man', my customers ask me 'why do I need a Custom Mobile App for my small business?'

The answer is simple and straightforward I tell them;

1/ Your CUSTOMERS have mobile phones and LOVE Mobile Apps.  They love the ease of use, the dependability, and the communication that they receive with a Mobile App. They love being able to look around your business, shop your business, and share coupons from your business with their friends and family right from their mobile devices.  Since they have their mobile phones with them 97% of the time and use them for everything from making calls (duh) to shopping, searching, gaming and sharing, a great Mobile App will be something they use very often.  In short, if you give them an App they will come!  In droves! And BUY FROM YOU!

2/ If you have a PRODUCT or SERVICE that you sell and you want to sell it to a lot of people you need to make the buying choice EASY for your customers.  If they can find you, call you, look at your goods, see great pictures and videos and share positive experiences with their friends then they will like you, download your App, use it, and BUY YOUR GOOD and/or SERVICES!

What this boils down to is this.  Mobile Apps give your customer an easy communication and purchase platform and give you, the business owner, a marketing and revenue generating platform and a DIRECT LINE OF COMMUNICATION TO EXTEND YOUR BRAND and GOODWILL in your community and generate revenue through a new, SUPER HOT product.

Let's look at some numbers, statistics and facts, shall we.
  • There are 5.3 Billion mobile subscribers (77% of world population!).
  • 24% of people in the US who have Mobile smart phones use them as their ONLY connection to the web.
  • 85% of all new mobile phones have connection capability to the Web.
  • In 2010 it was estimated that in 5 years the amount of people accessing the web with mobile devices would overtake the PC.  IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED!
  • Mobile phone penetration outnumbers fixed Internet users 5:2 !
  • The average person checks a text or Push notification within 4 minutes.  The average email?  4 days.
  • In March of 2011 the NY Times said that 'mobile marketing is the most powerful media ever invented'.
  • It is predicted 468 million smart phones will be sold in 2011, a 57.7 percent increase from 2010
  • So far in 2011 eBay, the online retailer, has seen over 5 BILLION dollars in revenue directly through their Mobile App.
  • Every major retailer in the United States has their own Custom Mobile App.  Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Macy's, Sears, eBay, Best Buy and all the rest.
  • Mobile ads have a 700% higher view rate than print ads

Those are just a few facts and figures. 

The world is going mobile. Get on board now or you might miss the boat.

Mobile App Man

The Mobile Movement - Free Report

The Mobile Movement Free Report

Breaking News! Mobile Apps have surpassed Web usage!!

Breaking News; Mobile Apps have surpassed Web usage according to this  June 2001 report!

Boys and gurls Mobile App Man says that if you don't think that Mobile Apps are the future of mobile marketing then you MUST READ THIS ARTICLE.

Seriously tho,  just as Wired magazine predicted in 2010 people are moving away from searching the Web using PCs and Laptops and are now instead using their mobile devices (iPhone and Android). 

It's going to be a MASS MIGRATION and only the strong (ie mobile ready) will survive.

Get on the Mapp with a Custom Mobile App !

I'm Mobile App Man!!

Actually I'm just a mild mannered entrepreneur that has seen the AWESOME POWER of Mobile Apps and has dedicated himself to spreading the word about Mobile Apps to all of humanity.

If you don't know what a Mobile App is then you haven't gone outside in a LONG time.  They are everywhere!  If you see ANYONE with a 'smart-phone' (iPhone or Android based phone) then you have seen someone who has a device that uses Mobile Apps.

Mobile Apps are programs that can be used on an iPhone or Android phone for just about ANYTHING.  You've probably heard the term 'There's an App for that!', yes?  Well, there is.  Music, gaming, dining, directions, appointments, entertaining, software, information, trivia, EVERYTHING seems to have a Mobile App these days.  Retailers like Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Target and Walgreen's have a Custom Mobile App, as do restaurants like Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, Chili's and Outback Steakhouse.  A Custom Mobile App just means that the Mobile App uses custom info and data specific to the retailer or restaurant.

Custom Mobile Apps are taking the world by storm!  1n 2010 eBay released a Custom Mobile App and, by July of the same year, it had been downloaded 11 million times!  In July of 2010 Skype's Custom Mobile App was downloaded 5 million times in just a few days!

Mobile Apps that are entertaining or useful in some way are the most popular, and the Apps that combine the 2 are usually blockbusters.  Smart phone users love their Apps and can't seem to get enough of them. US iPhone users downloaded an average of 60 Apps per year in 2010 and that number is rising monthly.

I now have the ability to produce and publish Custom Mobile Apps to the iTunes and Android market.  My company, SearchPoint Marketing, is doing just that, creating Custom Mobile Apps for the small business marketplace.  Where once Mobile App development and publication was limited to large companies due to the prohibitive costs it is now possible for us to create and publish a Custom Mobile App for less than the normal 2 month marketing costs for a small business.

Custom Mobile Apps are the future of marketing, and I, Mobile App Man, am here to help your small business get into the game!

I will Put You On the Mapp, with a Custom Mobile App !

Take a look at the following report, supplied by the great guys and gals at Slide Share.  If it doesn't impress you then I will eat my cape.

Mobile App Man